TeeFury’s artist community is filled with success stories from incredible independent artists like Andy Hunt. He took some time out from managing his successful Kickstarter campaign for Necronomicards to answer a few burning questions from the TeeFury team.
TF: How long have you been a designer?
AH: Professionally since 2004, when I graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design, but I’ve been studying a combination of web design & illustration since I was about 14 or 15. I’ve been into art long before that.
TF: How would you describe your style? Do you work traditionally or digitally?
AH: I have a pretty mixed style, since I do corporate web design & development for a software company during the day and more dark, weird illustration in my free time. I mostly work digitally, but a lot of my ideas start out on paper. Here are a few early versions of illustrations from NecronomiCards:
TF: What was your first print at TeeFury?
AH: My first Teefury print was an H.P. Lovecraft inspired shirt called Miskatonic Uni, way back in 2010. I’m proud to say it was purchased by both Chris Hardwick and Will Wheaton.
TF: When did your passion for gaming emerge?
AH: I’ve been an avid gamer since my parents bought me an NES when I was 5. I really started getting into boardgames and card games more recently, and have semi-regular game nights with my friends. We’re all a bunch of cut-throat jerks, and there’s always lots of booze involved, so it gets pretty loud and nasty in the best possible way.
TF: What’s your favorite tabletop/card game?
AH: My favorite card game is NecronomiCards, natch… but my favorite board game is HEROQUEST. Hands down. I also had a copy of Key To The Kingdom growing up that I really regret got sold at a yard sale.
TF: Does your fandom lie more in horror or mythology?
AH: That’s a tough one… I’d say a 50/50 blend, because I’ve always studied the darker side of mythology. I could watch the Medusa scene from the original Clash of the Titans on repeat all day and be happy.
TF: Can you describe your process in creating Necronomicards?
AH: NecronomiCards started out as a mobile game called ABRAcaPOCUS that I couldn’t quite get off the ground. After a few years of trying to either raise the money to hire a developer or learn how to develop it myself I realized that not only would it work better as a card game, I could make a card game almost entirely on my own. I tested out the game mechanics with index cards and sharpie, while spending night after night cranking out illustrations and design after work. Crowdfunding seemed like the most logical way to get it off the ground. I only planned on trying to raise enough money to get about a hundred decks printed so I could say I’d shipped a finished product and feel like my time was worth something, but I’ll be damned if people didn’t actually like the concept enough to make it a serious success.
TF: If you could call for a favor from one elder god, what would it be, and what would be the horrible consequence?
AH: I would call upon the Great Old One Hastur, the forever unmasked King In Yellow, so I could finally see the ebon shores of dim Carcosa. Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is Lost Carcosa.
Looking to summon elder gods, demons, and other mythological monsters at your leisure? Check out Andy Hunt’s Kickstarter Necronomicards. Get your own t-shirt of gorgeous artwork featuring Four Horsemen from the game in our limited Necronomicards series of tees. and support an independent artist!